20. The Podisode About Accessible Technology

An image depicts a stick figure of Marc on the left side saying, "Forget Alexa, iLove you!" On the right side, a stick figure of Jan replies by saying, "Awwwwwwwwww!" The words "Marc Is A Smart Speaker" are written in big letters above the scene.
Drawn by Marc Rocheleau, who is completely blind.

Where does Marc get all of his wonderful toys? Find out as The Blindnamic Duo explore the fantastical world of accessible technology!


From computers to phones and smart speakers to talking pen thingies, there’s a lot available to help the blind with everyday tasks. Hear all about some of the things Marc uses to make his life a bit easier and what Jan thought of some of his accessible tech when she first met him. What are some of the ways the blind read money? How can they get information on food packaging and even the colour of clothes they wear? Why wouldn’t Marc ride in a self-driving car? It might not be for the reason you think!


Although there’s more accessible tech than we have time to cover in one episode, we do our best to tackle information about the computer, internet, cell phones, smart devices and beyond! All this and the celebration of a podcasting milestone. Whatever could it be? There’s only one way to find out!


Don’t be a dingleberry: Make your earholes happy  by subscribing for free and downloading our latest podisodes as soon as they’re released. (Oh yeah, Marc also rants about the addition of ham to Wendy’s bacon mushroom  melt… not realizing it isn’t even available in his own country. Who would want to miss that?!)


Have any questions about accessible technology or a piece of your own that makes life easier? Leave any thoughts in a comment below or use our contact form to drop us a line. (Our fragile egos desperately need it so please don’t forsake us!)


Besides our usual audio awesomeness, follow us on social media! Check us out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You’ll be glad you did!


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